
Showing posts from November, 2010

Urghhhhh Blog Therapy

I tried not to start the day off like this..I'm trying to do better. BUT when you have a professor that has tests that have nothing to do with the homework or the worksheets HOW do you expect to do good in the class. I need to make an anything better than a C. That is my grade for physics as of mid-terms. I said a little prayer and I'm going to keep praying on it till finals...I need an A, but I will take a B. Physics is hard it really is and I'm glad no one ever sugar coated it for me. On the up side I read my horoscope of all things lol...I used to read it when I was little and I decided to look at it again and it was very ironic to what I have been doing lately. BLOGGING. This is what it said: SCORPIO (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21) Horoscope for Tue, 11/30/2010— Consider channeling your philosophical inspirations into some creative writing, dear Scorpio. You certainly enjoy this type of activity. Even if you haven't explored this before, there's no better day than today

After the Club on Thanksgiving We go to the After Party....

Well not go to Wal-Mart of course since it is "Black Friday". I mean perfect set up since we were already wide awake. Black Friday at Wal-Mart is insane. I heard one girl say, " I been here since 9:30." It was 3 AM when she said that, and if you wanted anything electronic you had to wait till 5 AM.. 42 inch TVs for $398 is a good deal, but standing or sitting in line is not my kind of thing. Ooooo but if you need to use the restroom they give you a bathroom pass so you can still have your spot in line. How cute *in southern belle voice* hehehe lol. Going back to the C to the L.U.B. * in BeatKing rapping voice* okay I'll stop with the *voices* anywho why were there so many chicks looking uncomfortable in the club? It looked like they would not only toss their dresses in the trash after they got home but themselves as well. They just looked disposable. Also why wasn't their enough vodka in my cranberry juice?? Ooo we mannnn...what a night I

On the Search for a Summer Program

Lately I been searching for summer medical programs that pay a stipend and supply housing. I not having too much luck :( I know they are out there, but I'm not really interested in just being in the lab. I want to do clinical side more than anything. I'll do the research if I get to do clinical research. My main interest is surgery, and I do not want to be an MD/PhD because I want to interact with patients more and medical scientists work 20 % clinical and 80% research. I'm not against doing this type of work for a summer program...but I really want to find one that is more clinical.

So it's Thanksgiving..

I woke up to this constant "Ding/Bing" noise IDK whatever you want to call it! I looked at my phone and the message is "Happy Thanksgiving" I was like "well Happy Thanksgiving to you too." Then I was thinking what the hell are you doing up! Although it was 9 a.m. it wasn't extremely early in the morning, but it was today since I had been up till 4 still hyped about the OMG Usher feat Trey Songz and Miguel Tour in Dallas last night. It was my birthday gift from my boyfriend. I went with my original crew Karla, Monique and Nikale, and we had too much fun! BTW I'm still celebrating my birthday even though it was on the 12th..I mean I turned 21 what am I supposed to do?? I'll let ya know when I decide to stop celebrating, but by that time I will have had another birthday :) *disclaimer: If you happen to see something that is grammatically incorrect please excuse me. The sciences are my strong area not english.*