
Showing posts from December, 2010

Happy New Year's Eve!!

Just thought I would post something for the last day of the year...I also have another resolution for the new year, and that is to take better care of my skin!  I found this recipe for a homemade mask and toner for acne and it really has worked. I've used it every other day this week and my skin is smooth and the acne on my cheeks is gone. This is the video: This is definitely going on the list of my routine plus it isn't hard to make and it's natural :) Now all I need to do for the rest of the day is figure out how I will spend the last day of the year. Hummmmmmm.... I'll update on what I do. 

What I'm thinking right now

SO.....I've been thinking alot about how I'm going to succeed next semester, MCAT ( currently studying for it), going to summer school, and what it would be like to be a family medicine physician. Just a lot on my mind I guess because I'm not so occupied with school. I've also been thinking about how far I've come and very grateful for this journey. I'm having good feelings about next semester I feel it will be far better. I just need to prepare my mind to stay organized and stay focused focused focused..I cannot stress that enough. I gotta stay focused. I'm not going to pretend that staying focused is easy for me because it is not. My mind wanders a lot because I can get bored with something easily if I don't get the concept (physics is a good example) lol sadly. I'll get through it though. I just have to get right back on the physics horse and ride again because there is a 2nd part :(  This time I'm not falling off and I mean it! I just had

Words of Wisdom

I've been seeing a lot of inspirational words of wisdom lately and I thought I'd share. First from the cross my momma gave me : " Faith is not believing that God can, it is knowing that God will." and " Thank God for what you have and Trust God for what you need." I LOVE LOVE LOVE these I just keep reciting them in my head They just remind me to thank God profusely for what I have and not to worry about the rest. I know this next semester will be far better than the fall semester if I just keep the faith and apply these words. That's going to the top of my list of resolutions...the few I have because I usually don't do the whole cliche resolution thing because it seems I always put up some goal that never gets filled. Here is my list so far: Continuously  praising God. Keeping words of faith in my mouth and mind. Being thankful for what I have. Staying on top of my school work and scheduling study time more efficiently  I believe that is it

Merry Christmas Ya'll *paula dean voice*

Merry Christmas :) I seemed to have gotten surprised by a few gifts I didn't know about and my mom's reaction to what my dad and I bought her also. She gave me a necklace with a cross pendant and under it says. " Faith is not just believing that God can it is knowing that God can." I love that saying already makes me feel like I have another sword of faith to fight with. Now I just want to tell it to everyone. I'll wear this cross wherever I go. I got her this I still have to deliver presents lol I know I should have been doing that this week but I just got most of the presents this week a way I'm a procrastisanta.

It's Christmas Time oh Christmas Time!!

You know what I would like for Christmas?? All A's and a 45 on my MCAT LOL!! hehehe. Well the time is now and it just doesn't feel like Christmas.. I was talking to my friend the other day and we were saying we don't get the surprises out of Christmas like we used to. Maybe it is because we are older now...idk I still think I can gain some surprises by tomorrow. BUT our society does not respect what the meaning of Christmas is or do they really care to know. All they care about is getting all the money and presents they can get, and who they can impress.  I have grown to like gift giving..I just like to see people happy once they have received a gift from me. That's one thing I enjoy about this time of the year. I just get mad when people go to the malls fighting over the new Air Jordan's and most of them don't have the money to pay next month's phone bill or rent. :( They max out their credit cards to buy gifts that will get broken or returned before next

Towne East Mall Shoppers Maced at Chaotic Air Jordan Sneaker Sale

Towne East Mall Shoppers Maced at Chaotic Air Jordan Sneaker Sale

The Finale and My short term goals.

Well it's over! My Fall 2010 semester has come to a halt...a screeching halt according to my physics test/experiment. lol My last test was physics and it felt like an experiment the whole time. :( Although I didn't do too hot on the final I feel that God has granted me favor and in the end everything will work out for my good. I just leave it up to God. That's all I can do. I'm so thankful for being able to have a blog because I get to relieve stress alternatively. This is like my public journal..I don't really care if anyone sees because I'm sure 99.9 percent of the people that read this will agree with me on most parts. My short term goals are to get into my scripture more so that I can speak those scriptures to every problem that arises, and in part this short term goal will be long term. I just want to get closer to what God has in store for me and what He wants me to be. I also want to finish my application by Mid-January for the Human Genome Sequencing p

Technical Difficulties

I'd have to say that last week was eventful month of the semester as far as technology goes. It all started with my phone because the microphone part went out then my LCD tv screen went out the week before Thanksgiving, then I come back from Thanksgiving and I'm doing my dreaded Physics online homework and GUESS WHAT??? My Damn computer screen cracks as I am doing my work. WOW!! So what the heck is it?? Is there a bad technology spirit going around? I don't get it.  THEN I got a campus parking ticket last week! I was like I guess the police are rounding up Christmas money or something. The deal was I needed to run into the library for exactly 2 min and I left my car on with my friend in the front seat. As I am walking back to the car a policewoman pulls up behind my car. Also an older man pulls up and asks if he can park there and she let him park there. I was like this isn't fair. I didn't want to say too much to the police because nothing good would have come ou