Words of Wisdom
I've been seeing a lot of inspirational words of wisdom lately and I thought I'd share. First from the cross my momma gave me : " Faith is not believing that God can, it is knowing that God will." and " Thank God for what you have and Trust God for what you need." I LOVE LOVE LOVE these I just keep reciting them in my head They just remind me to thank God profusely for what I have and not to worry about the rest.
I know this next semester will be far better than the fall semester if I just keep the faith and apply these words. That's going to the top of my list of resolutions...the few I have because I usually don't do the whole cliche resolution thing because it seems I always put up some goal that never gets filled.
Here is my list so far:
I know this next semester will be far better than the fall semester if I just keep the faith and apply these words. That's going to the top of my list of resolutions...the few I have because I usually don't do the whole cliche resolution thing because it seems I always put up some goal that never gets filled.
Here is my list so far:
- Continuously praising God.
- Keeping words of faith in my mouth and mind.
- Being thankful for what I have.
- Staying on top of my school work and scheduling study time more efficiently
I believe that is it for now.
RIP Teena Marie
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